Section Styles

Users can control the section style, background, borders, alignment, etc easily with Drupal while adding or editing the section as the following:


Users may add the section background as:

  1. Color.

  2. Image.

  3. Video

Users also can control the background to fit the section width or edge-to-edge by clicking on the Edge to Edge Background checkbox.


Users can control the text color and alignment in the section.


Users can control the section padding (inner space of the section) and margin (whitespace available surrounding the section)

Blocks alignment:

Users can control the horizontal and vertical alignment of the blocks inside the section.


Users can control the borders (full/specific edge) by choosing the border style, width, color, and radius.


Users can control the section shadow type and have the ability to preview the option they choose.


Users can control the animation that the section will display.

Last updated