Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs

A suite of Paragraph bundles to be used for Varbase distribution.

Made with the Bootstrap framework, based on a fork of Bootstrap Paragraph module Bootstrap paragraphs

Using paragraphs, you can add text with a WYSIWYG-editor, pictures, complex layouts to your pages – and change the order by dragging and dropping the content wherever you like it. Thanks to a preview mode, you get a good idea of how your page will look like in the end. It handles responsive layouts in a seamless way.

Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs Module

Varbase Bootstrap paragraphs features are bundled through the Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs module. GitHub:

After building a project using the varbase-project template, you can see the code of the Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs module in:

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_bootstrap_paragraphs

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:

Required Varbase Modules

This module needs the following Varbase modules in order to function.

Varbase Media Module

Manages type of media contents and entity browsers in the site.

Last updated