Generating URL Alias

Generating URL aliases in Drupal is a straightforward process that enhances the usability and SEO of your website. Whether manually setting aliases or using modules, creating meaningful URLs contributes to a positive user experience.

Manually setting the URL alias:

URL aliases can be edited by the site admin by following these steps:

  1. Nanigate to the page you want to update the URL alias for.

  2. From the Tasks side menu click on Edit content button.

  3. On the side menu scroll down to the URL alias tab.

  4. Un-check the auto-generate checkbox.

  1. Enter the new URL alias.

  2. Click on Save button.

Auto-generating the URL alias:

  1. Nanigate to the page you want to update the URL alias for.

  2. From the Tasks side menu click on Edit content button.

  3. On the side menu scroll down to the URL alias tab.

  4. Check the auto-generate checkbox.

  1. Click on Save button.

Last updated