URL Aliases

When a node is created on the website, an automatic URL is generated, and a user-friendly URL alias is created to mask the technical/numbered URL. A specific URL alias pattern is used for all content types, and Site Admins can edit the URL alias as needed.

The client must decide the pattern for the URL alias for each content type, for example: (https://www.Domain.com/news/news_title).

In the initiation phase, configuring URL aliases for multilingual sites is a crucial task undertaken by the development department following client agreement. Various methods exist for accomplishing this task, including:

  1. Appending the language prefix after the domain, such as (https://www.Domain.com/ar/about_us).

  2. Translating the page title and representing it in English characters, as seen in (https://www.Domain.com/mn_nahno).

  3. Directly translating the page title, resulting in URLs like (https://www.Domain.com/من_نحن).

These approaches offer flexibility in adapting URL structures to accommodate diverse languages, aligning with the client's preferences and enhancing the multilingual user experience.

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