Create Content

A guide to creating content via the preconfigured content types, and any custom content types your system administrator creates.

Adding Content

Users can add content to the site with predefined content types throughout the site.

Before you begin: Make sure you are logged in as a user who has the right to create content – ask your system administrator if you are not sure; otherwise, some of the fields you need to select will not be visible.

There are two ways to create a new Node page in your website:

  1. From the content backend page:

    1. Click on Content from the Manage administrative menu.

    2. Click on Add Content button.

    3. Select the content type you want to create it.

    4. Fill in with all required data that is needed.

    5. Click Save.

Content Backend Page
Add Content Page
Content Backend Page
  1. From the Manage administrative menu:

    1. Select Add Content from the Manage administrative menu.

    2. Select the content type you want to create it.

    3. Fill in with all required data that is needed.

    4. Click Save.

Add Content From Manage Administrative Menu

Last updated