Basic Concepts

A Drupal Distribution

A software distribution or (distro) is a collection of software components built, assembled, and configured so that it can essentially be used "as is".

Varbase is a Drupal distribution. It packages several adaptive functionalities and essential modules into its powerhouse. It takes advantage of Drupal core modules, as well as other famous and contributed modules and software components.

Since Varbase is a Drupal distribution, any Drupal compatible module, theme, library, can be used and utilized with Varbase.

If you're new to Drupal, we recommend you also familiarize yourself with the Drupal docs:

Packaging Method (Composer)

Varbase uses Composer to package dependencies and components.

To build a project using Varbase, we have provided a Varbase Composer project template.



To install the most recent stable release of Varbase 10.0.x run this command:

composer create-project Vardot/varbase-project:~10 PROJECT_DIR_NAME --no-dev --no-interaction

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