Updating from Varbase 8.x to 9.x

Read First Before Updating

Updating a Varbase SiteUnderstanding Varbase Updater Package

1. Change Composer Version Before Updating

Varbase 8.8.7 and Older

Make sure that Composer version ~1 is in use in the development environment.

sudo composer self-update --1

Later in the steps of upgrade, when the Varbase version reaches 8.8.8 or newer.

Be sure to switch the composer.json file to work with Composer ~2

Updating Varbase to work with Composer 2.0

Remove the not Needed Drupal Library Installer Plugin

Remove "drupal/drupal-library-installer-plugin": "^0.3", from the composer.json file.

Varbase 8.8.8 and Newer

Make sure that Composer version ~2 is in use in the development environment.

sudo composer self-update --2

2. Add Drush

composer require "drush/drush:~10.0 || ~11.0"

3. Uninstall All Removed Components

A number of modules, themes, and libraries was removed from Varbase 9. That for Drupal 9 compatibility, or for change of selection to use better tools, and newer and better UI/UX themes.

Check that all used modules in the project are Drupal 9 Compatible!

Modules Had Been Removed

Uninstall the Libraries API Module

drush pm:uninstall libraries

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer in Varbase Core

  • Issue #3170653: Removed Libraries API module as much of its functionality had been moved to Drupal 9 core

Uninstall the Libraries UI Module

drush pm:uninstall libraries_ui

Not Compatible with Drupal 9 yet

  • Issue #3168664: Removed Libraries UI module from Varbase Development

Uninstall the Mail Editor Module

drush pm:uninstall mail_edit

Not Compatible with Drupal 9 yet

  • Issue #3168674: Removed Mail Editor module from Varbase Core

Uninstall the Webform Analysis Module

drush pm:uninstall webform_analysis

Not Compatible with Drupal 9 yet

  • Issue #3175839: Removed Webform Analysis module from Varbase Core

Uninstall the Tour Builder Module

drush pm:uninstall tour_builder

Not Compatible with Drupal 9 yet

  • Issue #3176580: Removed Tour Builder module from Varbase Core

Uninstall the SMTP Authentication Support Module.

drush pm:uninstall smtp

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer in Varbase Mail

  • Issue #3143148: Removed Smtp module

  • Issue #3047359: Removed enabling the smtp module as we have switched to use swiftmailer ~1.0 and Varbase emailing configs switched to Varbase Email module.

Uninstall the Media Library Theme Reset Module

drush pm:uninstall media_library_theme_reset

Not Compatible with Drupal 9 yet

  • Issue #3174423: Removed Media Library Theme Reset module

Uninstall the Color Field Module.

drush pm:uninstall color_field

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer in Varbase Core

  • Issue #3145737: Removed Color Field module

Uninstall the Features Module.

drush pm:uninstall features

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer in Varbase Core

Uninstall the Adminimal Admin Toolbar Module

drush pm:uninstall adminimal_admin_toolbar

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer in Varbase Core

  • Issue #3145709: Removed Adminimal Admin Toolbar module

  • Issue #3145720: Removed Vartheme Admin theme

Varbase switched to use Vartheme Claro and Claro from Drupal Core.

Keeping Admininimal? Add the following to the composer.json file In case of choosing to keep the Adminimal - Responsive Administration Theme as the default back-end theme.

"drupal/vartheme_admin" : "~6.0"

"drupal/adminimal_admin_toolbar": "~1.0"

Make sure to clear cache and all functional behaviors are working well

drush cr

Themes Had Been Removed

Uninstall the Vartheme Admin Theme and the Adminimal - Responsive Administration Theme

Drupal 9 Compatible but no longer used by Varbase

  • Issue #3145720: Removed Vartheme Admin theme

drush theme:enable vartheme_claro

drush config:set system.theme admin vartheme_claro

drush theme:uninstall vartheme_admin

drush theme:uninstall adminimal_theme

Keeping Admininimal? Add the following to the composer.json file In case of choosing to keep the Adminimal - Responsive Administration Theme as the default back-end theme.

"drupal/vartheme_admin" : "~6.0"

In case of not uninstalling them and starting the update, the following issue will show up in the database update process.

[1] https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/update/troubleshooting-database-updates ) [error] (Currently using Missing or invalid themes The following themes are marked as installed in the core.extension configuration, but they are missing:

  • adminimal_theme

  • vartheme_admin

Make sure to clear the cache and all functional behaviors are working well

drush cr

4. Check All Required Contrib Modules in the Project

Check the Drupal 9 Compatibility for all used module.

Search for the "Drupal 9 is here!" notice in the Drupal project page for each required module in the root composer.json file for the project. Look for "Requires Drupal:" In the project page for the module in Drupal.org.

Example Module: Webform Mautic

Projects may or may not use this module. If it was required and used, check the following in the project page.

In case the module was not compatible with Drupal 9 yet, Follow with issues and the maintainer to make the module have a Drupal 9 Compatibility.

5. Check All Custom Modules in the Project

6. Check All Required Libraries

Make sure that any used library has no conflict with any Drupal 9 core asset libraries.

7. Run the Update Varbase Command

bash ./bin/update-varbase.sh

Facing issues? Do the steps to do after the commands. next step.

8. Steps to Do After the Command

Do not abort the update process.

Type no then press the enter key. In order not to abort and restore backups. To keep all work up to that point.

For sure the update will face errors while switching from Symfony 3 to Symfony 4

On the step of updating from Drupal ~8 to Drupal ~9, a number of duplicate key "services" detected in YamlSymfony.php and Parser.php.

Drupal 8 is using Symfony 3 and Drupal 9 is using Symfony 4

What changes are there for third-party dependencies?

Make sure to have the following in the composer.json file.

  "config": {
    "bin-dir": "bin/",
    "secure-http": false,
    "optimize-autoloader": true,
    "preferred-install": {
      "drupal/core": "dist"
    "allow-plugins": {
      "composer/installers": true,
      "cweagans/composer-patches": true,
      "oomphinc/composer-installers-extender": true,
      "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": true,
      "drupal/core-project-message": true,
      "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true,
      "vardot/varbase-updater": true

And the following in the extra, as having patches is a critical to have the right logic and complete working site.

Enable patching and composer should exit on patch failure. Not to miss any functionality or fixes after the update.

"enable-patching": true,
"composer-exit-on-patch-failure": true,

The root composer.json file should look like the Varbase 9.0.x project template composer.json file at the following link. Plus all added modules, themes, libraries, and needed patches for the project.

It should look like the composer.json file .. not the same exact copy of it


keep the work of the automated updater. Do not do any manual copy and replacing for the outcome composer.json file. Only edit the the same file.

It is better to remove the composer.lock and vendor/ folder. Then do a composer install

sudo rm -rf bin/ composer.lock vendor/ docroot/modules/contrib docroot/themes/contrib  docroot/profiles/varbase docroot/core ;
composer install -vvv

Run Database update number of times. Until no updates are needed.

drush updb
drush cr

9. Remove Drush Before Deployment to Production

Remember to remove Drush from the composer before deploying to the live site.

composer remove drush/drush

10. Set Composer Exit on Patch Failure to True

Please, DO NOT set the following in the composer.json for projects

    "composer-exit-on-patch-failure": false,

It should be

    "composer-exit-on-patch-failure": true,

On wanting to ignore any patch, please use patches-ignore

Have a look at Ignoring Patches a link for how to do this in the right way

Extending Varbase

If it was changed in any way or the Varbase Updater had it changed. Please change it back to

    "composer-exit-on-patch-failure": true,

It was sat true in the Vardot/varbase-project/composer.json for the following rezone.

A module could have a security patch or a functional feature patch. If the patch did not apply. That means the project has a security issue, some expected behaviors will be lost or a bug will show up in the project.

If Varbase Layout Builder ~8.0 or ~9.0 were not Enabled in Old Sites

  • Only remove it from the root composer.json file for the project and do a composer update

  • The Varbase Layout Builder ~10.0 and all needed modules will be required in the default Varbase ~9.0 profile

  • Enable Varbase Layout Builder and Varbase Landing (Layout Builder) modules.

Last updated