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Last updated
The "URL Redirects" page is used to setup and manage URL Redirects. New redirects are created here using the Add redirect button which presents a form to simplify the creation of redirects. The URL redirects page provides a list of all redirects on the site and allows you to edit them.
By default on Varbase, there are default roles that can manage URL Redirects and they are:
Super Admin
SEO Admin
Site Admin
As a Super Admin, Site Admin, or SEO Admin, please navigate to Administration \ Configurations \ Search and metadata \ Redirect.
This page will view all the site's URL redirects that are already applied.
This section will explain how to add users Drupal, please navigate to Administration \ Configurations \ Search and metadata \ Redirect \ Add URL redirect.
Follow these steps to add a URL redirect:
Fill in the Path
Fill in the To - where you would like the user to be redirected to whether to internal or external pages
Choose the Redirect status
300 - Multiple choices
301 - Moved Permanently
302 - Found
303 - See other
304 - Not Modified
305 - Use Proxy
307 - Use temporary Redirect
If your site is multi-lingual then select the redirect according to the language.
Then click Save