The Varbase Updater (varbase-updater) package was made to make updating Varbase as easy as possible. It's a set of scripts and tools that will help you to update to the newer versions of Varbase.
Installing Varbase Updater
Varbase Updater comes pre-installed with Varbase if you install Varbase through the Composer-based project template varbase-project.
However, if you're using Varbase 8.6.2 and older, you will have to manually add the package by running this command: composer require vardot/varbase-updater
Varbase Updater Process
Varbase Updater process is outlined in the rudimentary flowchart below:
The process relies on a configuration file that is used as rules for updating from one version to another. The configuration file can be found in config/update-config.json and is described as below:
“composer-project-json-url”: the composer.json file that will be used in as the new file to process the update.
Each version pattern is treated as the detected version to be updated, and is defined in the JSON file with its own rules which are:
“from”: is the detected version.
“to”: is the target limit version to upgrade to.
“packages”: can include:
“crucial”: determines the packages that must be required/re-downloaded even if the target version no longer requires them.
“skip”: determines the packages that won’t be updated and remain on its old version.
“enable-after-update”: defines the modules will be enabled after the code update, and before the drush updatedb command.