Varbase Blog

Provides Blog post content type and related configuration.

Use Blog to publish a blog post by different authors in the Blog section of the site.

Varbase Blog Module

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_blog

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:



This module has a set of template view modes that we typically use (some of them) in each website.

Embed a taxonomy tree into a menu


(in Drupal core)

Logs content statistics for your site.

Adds an optional length indicator to fields

Provides an additional formatter for text field, text area and text format.

Limit the number of characters in textfields and textareas and shows the amount of characters left.

Required Varbase Modules

This module needs the following Varbase modules in order to function.

Varbase Core Module

Provides core components required by other features.

Varbase Media Module

Manages type of media contents and entity browsers in the site.

Varbase SEO Module

Provide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Core features and settings.

Varbase Layout Builder Module

Provides default configuration and enhancements to utilize Drupal core's Layout Builder.

Varbase Landing Page (Layout Builder) Module

Provides Landing page (Layout Builder) content type and related configuration. Use Landing page (Layout Builder) to build pages with custom sections and layouts to display content in a modern way.

Last updated