Varbase Layout Builder

Provides default configuration and enhancements to utilize Drupal core's Layout Builder.

Utilizing the Bootstrap Layout Builder module. Optimized for Varbase standard layouts and styling configurations. Having custom Layout options, and custom styling plugins.

Varbase Layout Builder Module

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_layout_builder

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:



Layout Builder

(in Drupal core)

Allows users to add and arrange blocks and content fields directly on the content.

Manage which fields & layouts are available in Layout Builder

Let site administrators place content entities as blocks.

Provides block form alter functions

A Form API element to select / add new media item.

This module is going to generate layouts with Bootstrap grid system.

Add UI styles support to blocks from Layout Builder module.

Open blocks in a modal in the Layout Builder UI.

Clean up Layout Builder layouts of non-existent blocks.

Allows to have separate layout overrides per translation.

Allows editors to add HTML attributes to Layout Builder components (blocks)

Alters the Layout Builder UI for better usability

Provides a library of layouts for content-editors to select from

Create reusable templates for single or multiple sections at the layout builder.

Add a plugins builder and a collection of reusable plugins to the Layout Builder module.

Add Bootstrap Grid support to Layout Builder module.

Used Varbase Components

Varbase Media Module

Manages type of media contents and entity browsers in the site.

Sub Modules

Varbase Landing Page (Layout Builder) Module

Having a Landing page (Layout Builder) content type and related configuration. To be used for building pages with custom sections and layouts to display content in a modern way.

Utilizing a number of block types to be used in layout builder displays.

Varbase Heading block Module

A heading block is used to add headings to your page or sections. Headings help structure your page making your content easier to read by humans and search engines.

Varbase Rich text block Module

A rich text block contains a title and a body with a rich text format.

Varbase HTML code block Module

An HTML Code block contains a title and a body with an HTML text format.

Varbase Media (image/video) block Module

A media block contains a title and media.

A gallery block contains a title and a gallery of images and videos.

Extra Layout Styling Options

Varbase Layout Builder add more layout settings. And more styling plugins.

Block Alignments

Vertical and horizontal alignments for all blocks in a section.

Edge to Edge Background

Having an edge to edge background for sections or boxed background.

Container Width for Boxed Container Type

Having more options for boxed container type. A number of width options of ( Wide, Medium, Narrow, or Tiny ).

Last updated