Varbase Commerce

Provides a starting point for Varbase merchandise section and the products catalog.

Varbase Commerce Module

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_commerce

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:



Defines common functionality for all Commerce modules.

Implements the shopping cart system and add to cart features.

Defines the Product entity and associated features.

Provides reporting capabilities for sales, products, customers and payment gateways.


(in Drupal core)

Allows users to comment on content.

Plugin to export views data into various file formats.

Provides configurable checkout flows.

Provides core shipping functionality.

Adds the commerce stock management feature.

Provides payment functionality.

Replaces the default cart block to use a offcanvas flyout

Provides tax functionality.

Provides a UI for managing promotions.

Enables fivestar ratings on content, users, etc.

Create customized flags that users can set on entities.

Provides a generic framework for modules offering search capabilities.

Adds autocomplete functionality to searches.

Faceted search interfaces that can be used on Search API searchers.

Render Facets in a single block.

Provides advanced options (e.g. links, checkboxes, or other widgets) to exposed Views elements.

Allows users to collect entities in arbitrarily ordered lists.

Provides a color field type to store the color value and opacity

An expanding/collapsing tree widget for selecting terms in a taxonomy term reference field.

Last updated