Varbase Development

Development Environment Modules and Features, make sure to disable this feature in production.

Install the development tools if you're a developer and you're going to use Varbase to build a new project. This will install several modules that help you build your site, such as Devel, Database Logging, and UI modules such as View UI, and Configuration Update Reports.

Make sure to uninstall this module before deployment to production sites.

Varbase Development Module

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_core
                |-- contrib
                    |-- modules
                        |-- varbase_development

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:



Database Logging

(in Drupal core)

Logs system events in the database.

Views UI

(in Drupal core)

Provides a user interface for creating and managing views.

Adds an updates report and revert functionality to configuration management

Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.

Provides a UI to manage guided tours.

Reroutes emails send from the site to a predefined email. Useful for test sites.

Last updated