Varbase Media Hero Slider

Populates the universal implementation of a "Hero Slider" to be used on the homepage in most cases.

A rich hero slider that allow Content Admins to display video and/or image slides. It implements the universal "Hero Slider" to be used in your homepage.

Varbase Media Hero Slider Module

Varbase media hero slider features are bundled through the Varbase Media Hero Slider module. GitHub:

After building a project using the varbase-project template, you can see the code of the Varbase Media Hero Slider module in:

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_heroslider_media

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:

Required Varbase Modules

This module needs the following Varbase modules in order to function.

Varbase Media Module

Manages type of media contents and entity browsers in the site.


  • A full-width responsive Media Hero Slider.

  • Easy to customize slides to act as a promotional feature typically displayed in the site's homepage.

  • Queued Media Hero Sliders.

Configure Varbase Media Hero Slider

Last updated