Configuring SEO Features

Varbase bundles several SEO-related enhancements for top-notch search engine optimization.

Varbase SEO module assembles Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Core features and settings. such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), meta tags, automatically generated aliases, redirected old links to new links, JSON-LD structured data definitions, and Real-time SEO page analysis.

Varbase SEO

Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

When you install Varbase, Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager modules can be optionally installed.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics module adds the Google Analytics web statistics tracking system to your website.

The module allows you, by default, to add the following statistics features to your site:

  • Single/multi/cross domain tracking

  • Selectively track/exclude certain users, roles and pages

  • Monitor what type of links are tracked (downloads, outgoing and mailto)

  • Monitor what files are downloaded from your pages

  • Site Search support

  • AdSense support

  • Demographics and Interests support (formerly known as DoubleClick remarketing support)

  • Anonymize visitors IP address

  • DoNotTrack support (non-cached content only)

  • Drupal messages tracking

  • Modal dialog tracking (Colorbox)

  • Access denied (403) and Page not found (404) tracking

  • Cache the Google Analytics code on your local server for improved page loading times

  • Enhanced Link Attribution support

  • User ID tracking across devices

  • Changing URL fragments can be tracked as pageviews

  • Debug mode with analytics_debug.js

Custom integrations can also be provided to send custom events and dimensions via:

  • Custom dimensions and metrics support with tokens

  • Custom code snippets

Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag Manager module allows your site to integrate with Google Tag Manager (GTM) application, which allows you to deploy analytics and measurement tag configurations from a web-based user interface (hosted by Google) instead of requiring administrative access to your website.

To use the module, sign up for GTM and obtain a "container ID" for your website. For development purposes, create a GTM environment for your website.

Last updated