
The dashboard gives administrators a customizable overview of important site information.

This dashboard is built on top of Total Control Admin Dashboard module, utilizing Panels, Google Analytics Reports, and several enhanced blocks and widgets for an intuitive and flexible administration experience.

The idea is made to provide the site admins with an appealing and concise dashboard to become the home of any Drupal site's administration task.

How to Edit a Dashboard

To edit the current Dashboard follow these steps:

  1. In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Structure>Pages.

2. Click edit under Total Control dashboard.

3. Click on Varbase Dashboard>Content

4. Try to update the dashboard by:

  • Reorder the default blocks under the dashboard.

  • Add Variant

  • Delete Page.

  • Add new block

5. Click Update and save

Edit Current User Account from Dashboard

On the Dashboard page, user is able to edit his account information directly from the edit button on the top section.

To edit the user information check User Management section > Edit user

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