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Languages, and translation support.
Enables the necessary modules for a multilingual website. These include: Language, Interface Translation, Content Translation, Configuration Translation, and its recommended configuration.
Varbase internationalization features are bundled through the Varbase Internationalization module as part of the Varbase Core module. GitHub:
After building a project using the varbase-project
template, you can see the code of the Varbase Internationalization module in:
Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:
Choose the language of installation and default website language on the first step of installing Varbase
Varbase gave the option of enabling multiple language options on the multilingual configuration installation step.
This will enable the necessary modules for a multilingual website.
Enabling multiple languages for the site right from the installation step is the best option for multilingual websites.
Configurations that are related to languages will take effect on install. And after the install of any extra or external components.
In case of not selecting the option on install. some issues will start to show up.
The language field at the form display and field display will not be placed in the default Varbase standard order and position.
Manual fixes are needed for newly activated translatable content types. In order not to face language issues.
Manual changes are needed for custom views. In order to manage multilingual filtering of contents.
It is better to use the right character set and collation, If the database was manually created.
Following with Drupal documentation on Step 3: Create a database
(in Drupal core)
Allows users to configure available languages.
Interface Translation
(in Drupal core)
Translates the built-in user interface.
Configuration Translation
(in Drupal core)
Allows users to translate configuration text.
Content Translation
(in Drupal core)
Allows users to translate content.