Varbase AI

Provides a collection of recipes for AI tools, empowering editorial teams with a wide range of advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Enables seamless management of custom AI integrations for Varbase and supports updatable AI workflows.

Varbase AI Module

Varbase AI features are bundled through the Varbase AI module. GitHub:

After building a project using the varbase-project template, you can see the code of the Varbase API module in:

|-- docroot
    |-- modules
        |-- contrib
            |-- varbase_ai

Brings in the following core and contributed modules to your site:

This module provides and abstraction layer for AI services.

This enables the use of OpenAI for the AI module.

Allows AI and other tools and services to automatically generate field values on content creation.

Adds decoupled AI Assistants for any frontend to work with.

The Agents module makes Drupal taskable by AI agents.

Provides a chatbot frontend for the AI Assistant API.

Provided the possibility to fill out the alt text of an image field using AI.

Adds the possibility to bulk change the alt text.

Listed in Recipes

Can be installed in the recipes installation step with Varbase.

Varbase AI Recipes

Below are the recipes designed to integrate AI in Varbase:

A recipe to configure default AI modules, settings, and permissions in Varbase, enabling OpenAI integrations for alt-text generation, CKEditor enhancements, and various AI-powered features.

A recipe to add AI-powered features and an assistant button to a CKEditor 5 text editor.

Provides a recipe to automatically generate and fill the alt text of an image field using AI.

Provides a recipe to automatically tag selected referenced taxonomy terms based on the content entity's body field.

Provides an AI-powered chatbot for streamlined administration and allows managing multiple agents with distinct functionalities.

Other AI Providers

OpenAI Provider (Already packaged with Varbase AI)

To power your Drupal site with an alternative AI service provider, you'll need an AI provider module. Here are some frequently used AI provider modules:

Last updated