Managing URL Aliases
Viewing and Editing Specific Aliases
The List tab shows a list of all existing URLs on the site with their alias, with a search field to filter for aliases.
Editing an existing alias is possible by clicking on the Edit button next to the alias wanted to be edited. The edit alias page will contain two fields:
System path which should point to an existing path on the site.
URL alias which will contain the alias for the system path specified, both of these fields should start with a forward slash (/).
Hint: If the site is enabled to be multilingual, a language dropdown will show up to pick the language of which language the alias will be applied to.
The Add alias button will allow the user to add a new alias to the site, the add alias page contains two fields which are:
System path which should point to an existing path on the site.
URL alias which will contain the alias for the system path specified, both of these fields should start with a forward slash (/).
Bulk Generate Aliases Based on Predefined Patterns
Pattern type aliases can be deleted individually or you can delete all aliases of the site by navigating to the Delete tab.
Another option available is to only delete automatically generated aliases, this can be helpful in case the URL aliases patterns were changed and there is a need to regenerate them.
Bulk generation can be done in the Bulk generate to apply the following:
Generate URL aliases for items that currently have no aliases
Re-generate URL aliases for items that have an old alias and for which the Pathauto pattern has been changed.
Warning: This will only affect items that are configured to have their URL alias automatically set. Items whose URL alias is manually set are not affected.
Last updated