Allow Email/Username Login & Registration

In Varbase, by default. Users can log in to the site using either their username or Email address, thanks to the Email Registration module.

How It Works

Login and Registration

The module helps in managing users' sign-up process and forgotten passwords retrieval, users can signup using only their Email address, the username will be the username part of the Email, ex: will have the username “firstlast”.

Reset Password

Password retrieval will also require the user to fill in their Email address rather than the username which will have more sense since the password retrieval link will be sent to the Email address.

Reset Password Form - Email Only

Enabling Email-Only Login

Email-only login means that users will not be allowed to login using usernames anymore. To configure that follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to accounts setting page, Administration \ Configuration \ People \ Account settings

  2. Check under the Registration and cancellation section

  3. Deselect the Allow login with email address or username check box

Registration and Cancellation Settings

Updating Welcome Emails

Welcome Emails might need updates regarding the needed token or for updating the template itself.

  1. Navigate to Administration \ Configuration \ People \ Account settings

  2. Scroll to the Emails section

  3. Check the template - the image below shows an example of using the token [user:mail] instead of the default [user:display-name] to show the Email address instead of the username.

Enabling Username-only Login

To have username only login, the Email registration module should be uninstalled from the site.

  1. Navigate to Extend \ Uninstall module

  2. Search for the module name

  3. Uninstall it

Last updated